Tuesday 12 October 2010

007: Badge from a 1996 Mark IV Volkswagen Passat Estate

What is it? The front badge from a Mark IV Volkswagen Passat Estate built in 1996.

Pros: Instantly recognisable logo that conveys the ethos of Volkswagen, maintaining the company's branding. Can be used as statement jewellery by someone trying to recreate the early days of Beastie Boy Mike D. Attractive to magpies as well as humans. Easy to draw. Good if owner's initials are VW or MN.

Cons: Made available through a car crash that undoubtedly gives Vietnam-style flashbacks to the badge, should it retain emotions. More likely to be associated with Nazism than a 1996 Passat Estate. When upside down, somehow looks sad. Smells like motor oil. Not very good as Frisbee.

Worthiness of pointing motion: 3/10. "Hey, look, have you seen the VW logo?" "Yes." "Oh."

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