Saturday 16 October 2010

011: Victorinox Swiss Army Knife

What is it? A Swiss Army knife.

Pros: An efficient multi-tool. Long knife for cutty, stabby things. Short knife for lesser cutty, stabby things. Tin opener for opening tin-based items, though also useful on steel and aluminium. Bottle opener for beer. Screwdrivers on aforementioned pieces for seemingly unscrewing cans and beer bottles. Wire stripper. Corkscrew for wine bottles. Politically neutral. Good weapon. Handy keyring loop.

Cons: No tweezers or toothpick; could lead to death by ingrown hair or meat between teeth. Too hard to get blade out when defending against ragamuffins or vagabonds. Knives are blunt. Awl cannot be opened for love nor money. Perhaps has alcoholic issues due to fixation on opening beverages. No saw blade, so forestry tasks impossible.

Worthiness of pointing motion: 4/10. Swiss are better at chocolate and storing Nazi gold.

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